
Hello and welcome to my blog. On the 31st July 2014 I was diagnosed with Young onset dementia. I may not have much of a short-term memory anymore but that date is one I’ll never forget.

Me - 59 years young with my wonderful daughters:)
Me – 59 years young with my wonderful daughters:)

I’m now 66 years young, live happily alone in Yorkshire, have 2 daughters and I continued to work full time in the NHS until the end of March 2015, when I chose to take early retirement to enable me to enjoy being me while I’m able. I have never ‘tweeted’, ‘blogged’ or ‘facebooked’ in my life but since I was diagnosed, everything else in my life has changed, so why not this. I hope you find my ramblings of interest.

I started this blog to allow me, in the first instance, to write all my thoughts before they’re lost. Luckily the part of my brain that allows me to type hasn’t broken yet and I find that easier than talking. I have calendars that take care of the future but this blog serves as a reminder of what I’ve done and said in the past – it now serves as my memory. If anyone chooses to follow my ramblings it will serve as a way of raising awareness.

It will hopefully convey the helplessness of those diagnosed with dementia, as there is no cure – the end is inevitable. However, I’m also hoping I can convey that, although we’ve been diagnosed, people like me still have a substantial contribution to make; we still have a sense of humour; we still have feelings. I’m hoping to show the reality of trying to cope on a day-to-day basis with the ever-changing environment that dementia throws at those diagnosed with the condition. Living as well as you can with dementia is all about adapting. Adapting to new ways to enable us to live better for longer with dementia.

I can type as though dementia never entered my world as that part of my brain has not yet been affected, but that often works against me as people question my diagnosis. All I can say is, live a day in my shoes and I’m sure the reality will dawn.

What I want is not sympathy. What I want is simply to raise awareness.

I’m now the proud author of the Sunday Times Best Seller, Somebody I Used to Know, which just goes to show, you should never give up on yourself.

In 2022, I  released my second book.(who would have thought I’d say ‘first’ never mind ‘second’ 😳) “What I wish people knew about dementia..“ also written with my partner in writing, Anna Wharton.


This also became a Sunday Times best seller.

Click on the ‘Blogs’ tab to see what you’ve missed and then click to ‘follow’ me if you’d like to receive my daily blogs in your inbox.

If you prefer to comment by email please feel free – wendy7713@icloud.com or you can find me on Twitter   @WendyPMitchell

Billy, my daughter's cat - a calming influence in my life. Billy, my daughter’s cat – a calming influence in my life.

…and Merlin the dog…my second furry grandchild 😍

My third and final book was released in June 2023….One last thing…living with the end in mind..

two honorary doctorates and two Sunday Times best sellers all since being diagnosed with dementia….just shows how you should never give up on yourself no matter what life throws at you ….

1,207 thoughts on “Home

  1. Your book is so inspiring. I am a health care aide at a personal care home in Canada. I work in the dementia unit. I plan to share your book with many people there and hope it helps some to understand who these people truly are that we spend so much time with and what they have already been through on their journey.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Hi Wendy, your book is so inspiring. I bought “What I wish people knew about dementia”. I started appreciate my life, and thanks that my mom is still healthy too.. I am reading one chaper every night before the bed. And say thanks to the God. I wish you will stay healthy!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi o have recently been diagnosed with alxheimers and my daughter sent me your bog from Australia on whats app I would like to know where can I purchase your books ant the titles and could I add you to messanger. Thankyou in anticipation.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Of course Judith. You can either get them directly from me by emailing wendy7713@icloud.com or order via Amazon or any other book store. My first was Somebody I Used to Know and my latest is What I wish people knew about dementia. I always advise reading them in order.🤗xxx


    2. Boa noite Wendy, sou Deborah Santos resido em soure, ilha de Marajó, Pará, Brasil. Assistindo sua reportagem ao Fantástico, me senti consolada. Pois eu e meu irmão cuidamos a 2anos de nosso avô de 96anos, diagnosticado com Alzheimer a aproximadamente 10 anos. E a luta diária não é fácil. Por vezes, o sentimento de revolta bate no coração, pois meu vô tem 8 Filhos vivos, e desses, 2 nos ajudam….e os demais só aparecem p dizer oi e depois vão embora. . e sua história, sua garra, sua energia me serviu de combustível, me fortaleceu a seguir firme e forte cuidando daquele que sempre trabalhou e cuidou de uma família de 12 filhos. Agradeço por seus ensinamentos, tenha a certeza que sua história ajuda e irá ajudar muitas outras pessoas. Se morássemos perto queria lhe dá um forte abraço em agradecimento.

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  2. Just finished your second book Wendy. As a retired Psychiatric Nurse with 35 years service I have learned more from your book than all of my studies and nurse practice over them years. For that I thank you most sincerely.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have just been diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. I’m 80 years old and have been told that I have 2 to 4 years to
      Live. Another Dr. told me that I would live for 6 years. What are your thoughts without visiting me?
      I look forward to reading your books and thank you so very much for your gift in writing them.
      Please take special care and be alert and safe in all yo do.
      Semper Fidelis to Christ first forever.
      Fred Mitchell

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      1. Oh Fred, what a dreadful thing to be told. I was told 3- 5 years 8 years ago 🙄 so just do as I do and enjoy each day and don’t think of the future, plan for it, but then live your life as you wish each day.xx

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Thank you for sharing your story, I have just completed your first book and it has been so informative and it is helping me understand what my Mum has been through. Her dementia is advanced, sadly we didn’t realise what was happening to her as she lives abroad and we don’t see her very often. It now makes sense as to why she started passing the phone to my Dad sometime ago. I shall now start your second book. I have sadly lost my Grandma and Aunt to the disease and now I am loosing my Mum. It has made me think about myself and if I will suffer with the disease. After reading your book I have now signed up to Join Dementia Research. Thank you again, I believe everyone should read them.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wendy I have now read both your books, borrowed from my local library. I found what you shared of your experience of living with dementia so candid, moving , interesting and helpful. Thank you so much. I hope that through yours and other efforts we will all gradually come to a better understanding of this condition. You are an inspiration to me. With all good wishes, Sanghadevi

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I just finished your first book Wendy! You’re a beautiful soul 💛 I’m 31 and have worked with dementia patients for the last 6 years I truly believe it’s my calling. Reading your first book has already changed so much on what I thought I already knew. Boy did I learn so much. I’m currently purchasing your other 2 books knowing I have more to learn. Thank you so much for helping me see through the eyes of dementia and being able to love and understand in a completely different way! So very very proud of you and how you have found so much good in life while living with apart of you that constantly is ripping it away. Pure inspiration ✨️ I hope while reading this you find nothing but joy and love because you deserve it 👏 I know your daughters are so proud of your courage and strength as am I. Keep simply living every moment you can. Until we meet again

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Wendy I have tried to add you to messanger but with no luck in my search . I am wanting to purchase tour books, but can’t remember which you said to read 1st in an earlier email to you and your reply to me. I await your reply here or on my email many thanks Judith wright.x

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hello Wendy.
    Thank you for your extremely helpful first book. I have just finished it today, and am about to start the follow up. My journey is relatively new and not yet formally diagnosed. I have been experiencing symptoms for nearly two years (but who can recognise an exact time?). Reading your book has helped me prepare for the time that diagnosis eventuates. Should, perchance it doesn’t I am still glad I have read it. I live in Melbourne Australia, and am soon to turn 62.
    All the best to you and your daughters. Bernie 🙏

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  7. Hi Wendy,

    I think you are inspiring and I’m so glad that I’ve found your blog. Thank you for having the courage to share your journey. My husband and I are trying to launch a new ethos for interacting with those in the later stages of dementia based on our own experience with my Dad. We are called Timeless Presents, and although we are hoping to be a business, our main driver is changing how people in the later stages are perceived and engaged with. Our products are classic toys that have been tweaked and repackaged to appeal to adults and are how we engaged with Dad during those later stages. We would greatly appreciate any comments or insights that you have, whatever your thoughts are. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and on our website.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Wendy!

    Having looked at your content, I thought I would reach out to tell you a bit more about MedicAlert and what we are trying to accomplish, as it may be of relevance to you.

    As a charity, we want to encourage more people living with a medical condition or allergy to be more active and join in socially.

    We would love to engage further if this is a value you share.

    Let us know your thoughts and if you would be interested in learning more about us!

    kind regards

    Colette Smith

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Dear Wendy, I’m reading your 1.book and I’m more than surprised how you manage (still?!) your life! And what is possible! It gives so much hope! Thank you so much for outstanding and daring!! Simone from Germany

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I read your second book (‘What I wish people knew about dementia’ in Korean) and I will read your first book. Thank you so much. I learned about dementia from your book.

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  11. Hola! Me encanto el primer libro, lo leí porque conocí a una persona con Alzheimer intermedio y quise empaparme más de esto, lo busque en Google y por cosas de la vida en una feria de libros vi tu libro y dije lo tengo que leer y fue muy educativo, no te alcanzas a imaginar lo que aprendí, muchas gracias lograste el cometido educar 🤗… De corazón muchas gracias.
    Saludos desde Colombia.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Wendy,

        Thanks for getting back.

        I’m not on facebook or twitter, but not to worry; I’ll just make a point of looking at your blog regularly.

        I’ve just finished your book, the first one, and found it really interesting and positive. I wanted to know how you are now, so will check the blog out.

        All the best


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  12. I am reading your second book “What I wish people knew about dementia”. My mother got dementia. I take care of my mother at my home from 2018. My mother does not recognize her family. I want to know what happens in her brain and what she feels. Your book help me to understan her. Thank you!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Dear Wendy, I loved your book “What I Wish People Knew about Dementia”.
    The part “On homes and care homes” inspired me to think about the green space in our residential care home, and to create the improvements together with our residents… Waiting for your feedback and reflection…

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Hi Wendy I have read both your books and found them inspiring but also of practical use. My sister was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease August 2020 both she and I have led independent lives my aim is to support my sister’s independence. I think it is almost like being her PA, so that appointments are kept, bills are paid etc. Your second book has been hugely helpful in how I have approached things. After diagnosis the support from the “professionals” has been non-existent. I think there is a bit of a post-code lottery about what’s available. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Hello, Wendy

    I’m a Boston-based freelance science writer working on a story for wmnHealth, a research organization dedicated to improving the mental and neurological health of women, transgender women, and gender-diverse people.

    This story, featured on International Women’s Day, will cover how access to services, as well as conversations, around women’s brain health have changed in the recent decades and what gaps still need to filled. Your story is deeply empowering and I’d love to chat with you to learn more, if you’re available.

    Thank you for your time!


    Liked by 1 person

  16. Good morning. I’m Korean. I’m glad to watch about you on TV. You are my role model. I am awkward in English. But I want to express my mind and put my feeling on this blog. Thank you. I want to hug you.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Loved both of your books. Read your latest book over the weekend. It is inspiring and full of really helpful tips. I had a massive stroke caused by a ruptured brain tumour in 2014 so have an ABI. Many of the points you raise I can relate too. You are truly inspirational and a great activist. There needs to be far support dementia and neuro. Agree with you a 100% on invisible disability and PIPS! So a million thanks for everything you do and keep up the good work as long as you can.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Hi Wendy, I am eighty nine and am caring for my eighty seven year old wife. I love her dearly despite her diagnosis with mixed dementia. Your second book has taught me so much, and it will improve me as a carer, and also help Dorothy when she reads it. Thank you so much. Ray Hills. byershills@icloud.com

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  19. There aren’t that many of us called Wendy and you and I are both two of those! I’ve started working with a lady with young onset dementia in December 2022 as her PA and as a new career move in my 50’s, it’s opening my eyes and broadening my horizons. She, like you is such a positive woman and fun to be around. Yes, she has her struggles, but is determined to live her life as best she can and she literally lights up each room she enters! She recommended I read your books which are practical, useful and inspiring. Through you we get an insight into how it really feels. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I have just read your first book and found it wonderfully inspiring. It gives such an insight into what people struggling with this horribly debilitating disease struggle with. Such a positive and inspiring role model. Thank you.🙏🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Hi Wendy, love all your photos and follow your blogs with interest, especially when you are up in your beloved Keswick x I’ve read your books and have found some insights that are helpful to me in supporting my husband. He has fronto-temporal dementia and part of that is lack of insight into his condition which gives us different challenges . Like you though, some parts of his brain haven’t been affected so far which makes people think at a superficial level that there is nothing wrong which sometimes works against us too in terms of getting help. Looking forward to more blogs, photos, your next book, and the sunshine you bring with your attitude and take on this most awful of diseases. Sending love x

    Liked by 1 person

  22. I well read your book ‘what I wish people knew about dementia’ , really well read. I will be the one to help my dementia friends. I wish you may be filled with gratitude and joy in each second.

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  23. Hello Wendy, I just finished reading your first book and I am so impressed. I am 44 years old and was diagnosed with Mild cognitive impairment two years ago this year I was diagnosed with early-onset dementia. I have two little ones ages 12 and 9 and a husband. However, I have been numb for the past two years no feeling but just the other night I broke down and I just cried and cried out loud. The realization made me feel sad and scared. However, unlike you, I just feel defeated. Your book inspired me to look forward to this new phase. I just don’t know how. How are you feeling today?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was like that at the beginning Maggie, just like that. Then I met someone else who’d been diagnosed many years before me and saw there was a life to be lived. Where about do you live Maggie? I could try and find out what there is for you in your area if it helps? You may have access to Admiral Nurses – specialist dementia nurses who are just amazing and look after the whole family xx


  24. Thankyou Wendy, all the way from Australia. I read this book in hopes to understand how my grandmother feels. She currently just got diagnosed . I also have lost my other grandmother to it recently. Thankyou for giving me more insight into this. All the best xox

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Hi Wendy! And greetings from Finland. I have just read your book Somebody i used to know. I learned so much from it, and i love to way how you write. Thank you so much! You do a great and important job. I wish all the best for you and your family 💖

    Liked by 1 person

  26. I have just finished reading your first book. It was recommended to me by my sister who has been diagnosed fairly recently with dementia. I found it inspirational. I belong to a Book club, and will most definitely be suggesting that it be read by all.

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  27. Hi Wendy,
    I found your books at the local library and what a blessing. Last week I heard of three friends who have/may have dementia so wanted to find out about it in able to support them on this journey. I know from past experience that you find out way more from a person journeying with a disease than from medical people talking about it. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Hi Wendy
    Just finished listening to your second book. Fabulous book, well done you 👍 Very insightful and inspiring. Not to mention, quite funny too. I did laugh when your location app placed you in China 😂
    Looking forward to hearing the first book when/if it turns up at our library.
    Keep smiling and snapping away with your camera.
    P.S. Have you tried a bungee jump yet? Will your bus pass take you as far as NZ 😁
    Just a thought

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  29. Hi Wendy After having the 3rd booster vaccine in November 2021 I developed severe side effects of fatigue and tiredness. Since then my life has turned upside down! I was unable to walk for 10 minutes felt breathless’ After sleeping for 7-8 hours got up in the morning with tiredness and fatigued. These are only few side effects out of many. Sometimes I wished death would be very peaceful for me. I live alone. I have 2 sons. I raised them on my own just like you. One son is living here in the UK and the eldest lives abroad. After reading your 1st book my mental attitude changed. You inspired me! People are saying very positive things about me. They have noticed a change in my voice and on my appearance. I feel that I am getting better! You taught me “never to give up” Thank you very much Wendy. I am so delighted I could leave these comments on your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Hello Wendy! I have sent you an email because I would love to write about you in the psychology book I am writing for secondary students in Western Australia. I sent it to you on Thursday 15th June – I look forward to hearing back from you! Kind regards, Sonya

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Hello Wendy, I’m Angie and I have just finished your first book. Books 2 and 3 are next! So inspiring and insightful – my elderly mother in NZ has Alzheimer’s and dad is her main carer, it can be hard living with it and losing essences of their former selves. But I thank you for sharing your experiences and emotions as you are navigating through it. Thank you, I wish you and your daughters all very best wishes xx

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello again Wendy
        I’ve just finished your last book… wow, it is brilliant how you are encouraging everyone to think about and plan their death. I am really thinking about becoming a death doula, it just seems such an important role and gift to people to support their choice on how they want to leave this life and make their decisions clear to those they love the most. I wish you and your daughters and all those you love, much clarity and hope and joy. Thank YOU Wendy xxx

        Liked by 1 person

  32. Hi Wendy I have just finished your first book. I heard you speaking on Radio 2 last Sunday and was so inspired I just had to read about you. Oh how I wish I had read the book years ago when my mother was diagnosed with early onset. She lived with the disease for twenty years. It would have been so wonderful to have know what she she was going through. We could have helped her so much more. But now I will understand my role so much better with my father who has only just been diagnosed….Thank you for give me hope. Karen x

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Hi Wendy, just found you. Will find your books and blog. Having helped 2 sibs through different dementias I now face my own (undiagnosed as I was recently declared free, via telephone). But I know better; my few bad days are a bit terrifying while the rest of the time I’m glad to be me. It’s a journey and challenge that I’m enjoying. Life is never simple. Well done you for all your publications and encouragement.

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Hi Wendy
    I have just found your blog after reading your first 2 books.I am absolutely in awe of what you can achieve with an advanced dementia condition.
    My wife was diagnosed 18 months ago at the age of 73 and now 2 years on she is not capable of a quarter of what you are able to do.And she is fortunate to have a fully attentive 24/7 husband – me.
    Can you give me some valued advice please many thanks

    Dave S

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    1. Remember I was only 58 when diagnosed David so I was super fit then and it’s seen me through up to now. The most important thing to help your wife with is to keep doing – doing whatever she loves to do so her brain is active. I’m sure you’re doing wonderfully 🤗x


      1. Thanks Wendy

        I am trying to do the things my wife would like to do but she doesn’t seem to enjoy them.I get no response .It is like living alone . I will keep trying .Her progressive deterioration depresses me.

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      2. Must be very hard for you David. It is a bummer of a diagnosis for both parties. Try photos….an era when she was happy….🤔Hugs to you both 🤗


  35. Dear Wendy. After reading your book, I passed it on to my boss who is the Chief Executive of a health service in Perth, Australia. Since then, he has recommended your book to so many people and at our health executive meeting this morning, we talked about how to better cater for the people in our care with dementia. Your story is inspiring better care all around the world. Thank you for everything you do.

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  36. My husband who had been diagnosed with Dementia for 2 years at the age of 62 had all his symptoms reversed with Ayurveda medicine from naturalherbscentre. com after undergoing their Dementia natural protocol, he’s now able to comprehend what is seen. God Bless all Dementia disease Caregivers. Stay Strong, take small moments throughout the day to thank yourself, to love your self, and pray to whatever faith, star, spiritual force you believe in and ask for strength. I can personally vouch for these remedy but you would probably need to decide what works best for you💜.

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  37. I greatly admire you. I have severe OCD and one of the forms it takes is health anxiety. The fact that you have embraced life and done such amazing things since your diagnoses inspires and impresses me greatly.

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  38. Hello wendy. I just finished reading your first book and wanted to thank you for helping me understand my grandma who was diagnosed dementia few years ago. While reading your book I cried and laughed. Now I know how to treat my garndma the right way. Thank you again for inspiring me.
    -reader from South Korea

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  39. Olá Wendy
    Sou brasileira, de Salvador, Bahia
    Minha mãe foi embora faz 20 dias, a demência a levou de nós, mas seu 2° livro foi uma grande acalento para mim, gostaria de tê-la conhecido antes, eu teria ajudado muito mais minha mãezinha, e já sigo espalhando a todos o lindo trabalho que faz. Aqui no Brasil os médicos são cruéis com pacientes com demência, meu sonho que todos eles lessem cada linha escrita por você. Finalizo com um pedido especial…POR FAVOR TRADUZAM O TERCEIRO LIVRO PARA PORTUGUÊS. Gostaria muito de ler e compartilhar.

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  40. Eu tenho Alzheimer precoce. Hoje estou com 50 mas fui diagnosticada aos 44. Me identifiquei demais com seu livro. Há coisas que tenho, principalmente as sensoriais que eu pensava que era só comigo. Não sabia que é coisa do Alzheimer. Não sou tão otimista quanto você, gostaria muito de ser, de tornar minha vida mais leve, eu seria bem mais feliz. Infelizmente vejo muito o lado negativo, o que me faz ficar depressiva. Deus continue te abençoando prá que você possa levar cada vez mais informações às pessoas. Um beijo. Sarah. Brasil, SP

    Liked by 1 person

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